Situate yourself in possibility mentality to resist fear mongering.
Organisational CultureDecide to Become Good at Love
How love functions in your life is a practice.
Systems DesigningBe Impeccably in Your Authority
The world is watching.
Organisational CultureLove Unconditionally
Being a loving controller is only fear in disguise.
Transformation StrategyMeet Your Tests and Challenges
Your work is to come fully forward with your gifts, talents and resources.
Transformation StrategyRemain Relevant
You are here to grow, learn and evolve, it is an evolutionary imperative.
Organisational CultureMake the Feminine in Evidence
The world needs your receptivity.
Organisational CultureYou Are One Part of a Very Large Whole
Evolution relies on mutual benefit and the extension of your generosity.
Systems ThinkingRemain in Your Sovereignty
Deserving power rises when you don’t sell out.
Organisational CultureExpect Bigness
Don’t engineer smallness.
Systems ThinkingIntend Directionally
When you focus on the negative, you grow the negative.
Systems ThinkingDirect Your Energy with Wisdom
How you think, communicate and direct your energy is your power.
Systems ThinkingWork on Being Freely Yourself
Fear creates an ask for terrible leaders.
Organisational CultureEmanate Joy
Create a joyful culture.
Change ManagementMake a Decision
Stress makes you dumb.
Systems ThinkingDesign Progress
Don’t design suffering.
Systems ThinkingBuild Your Community One Connection at a Time
Collectives are made up of interconnected individuals.
Change LeadershipRisk Your Bigness
The shadow is giving in to your fears.
Applied Behavioral SciencesAccept Change
Forgiveness activates resiliency and adaptation energy.
PowerYour Light and Your Boundaries Go hand-in-hand
Darkness needs light and relationships need boundaries.
Change LeadershipReflect Your Highest Vibrating Self
Help humanity evolve.
PowerPlay a Role Other than “the Offended”
Someone can only offend you if you agree to play that role.
Applied Behavioral SciencesTake a Breath
If you are triggered, consider it a message from your ego.
ComplexityDecide Your Trade-Offs Actively
Solutions rarely exist; most everything is simply a trade-off.
Systems ChangeLearn to Love the Process
There is no evolution without demand to progress and change.
Systems ChangeGo First
“The few lead the many” is a fundamental evolutionary principle.
Organisational CultureStop and See the Other
A mere five minutes of deep connection is medicine for the soul.
Make radical decisions about radical actions that will revolutionize the world’s ability to have access to you.
Corporate StrategyUnderstand Strategy as Dimensional
Strategy is rarely transactional.
Systems DesigningStop Performing to a Script that isn’t Yours
The evolutionary intention is to live life fully.
Organisational CultureResist the Coercions of Culture
Your integrity is needed.
Organisational CultureDo Your Work
Culture, principles, and identity squarely nested in love changes the game.
PowerDo You
Each individual is original medicine.
Change LeadershipLet Go
You cannot evolve and stay the same.
Change LeadershipBecome the Vessel
When you become a practitioner of progressive change, nature will flow through you all it wants to distribute into the world.
PowerMaintain Your Vast Identity
When you maintain yours, others feel permission to maintain theirs.
Organisational CultureBe a Revolutionary
Choosing authenticity & worthiness is an absolute act of resistance.
PowerDon’t Diminish Your Light for Anyone
The evolutionary intention is to shine brightly in the world.
Strategic CommunicationLanguage Needs to Be Practiced
Your words are spell casters.
Personal GrowthServe the Interests of Growth and Evolution Every Day
Becoming your ideal person is a practice, not a destination.
ComplexityBe Comfortable in Your Own Uniqueness
You are merely a snowflake amongst snowflakes.
Applied Behavioral SciencesBe Observant of Your Thoughts and Attendant to Your Heart
Meta awareness is the capacity to know what your mind is monkeying about.
Strategic CommunicationInterrupt the Status Quo
Emit love over fear.
Change LeadershipSit with Your Soul
If you are soothed, consider it a message from your soul.
Change LeadershipCast Light Not Shadow
Where you choose to focus attention is whether you shine more light or more darkness in the world.
Systems ThinkingBe Deserving of Your Leadership
The collective cannot be led by a leader the collective doesn’t deserve.
Change LeadershipRespect Others’ Journeys
Stop rescuing.
Change LeadershipBias Toward Contrast
Making decisions yields high grade information.
Organisational CultureStrength Is Both Loving and Fierce
When you stand in strength and act out of love, you are telling people around you it is ok to give, deserve, and spread love.
Strategic CommunicationInteract Courageously
You can express your emotions without anyone getting hurt.
Systems ThinkingSimply Say “No”
You need no righteous indignation.
Organisational CultureWork on Loving Yourself
No tenderness for yourself translates to no compassion, no mercy for others.
Organisational CultureBe Curious
Real love doesn’t need anything in the room to be different than it is.
Organisational CultureReflect Love as Your Signature
Remembering that strength is love’s counterpart, not her opposite.
Organisational CultureRadiate Wholeness
Going into the world already fulfilled is abundant.
Organisational CultureDon’t Falsify Yourself
— for anyone.
StructuresDesign a New Superstructure
Stop pushing against that which you don’t want.
Organisational CultureDo Something Positive
Sitting around being outraged is effectively doing nothing.
Systems ThinkingUse Inquiry as Your Best Tool
Knowledge flows in the direction of worthy inquiry.
Systems ThinkingDon’t Abdicate to Small Consciousness
When you agree to the assessment of small consciousness you give that small consciousness the power.
Systems ChangeAvoid Extinction
Without growth & evolution you inevitably become extinct.
Systems ChangeCelebrating Counts
Stop to take note of all the trials and growth you’ve done.
Change LeadershipTake Small Steps
Small, positive actions are radical acts of defiance that fuel positive change.
Organisational CultureTrust Your Heart
Consider how you bring love and its derivatives into your daily life.
Systems ThinkingChoose Ease
Allow flow.
Change LeadershipUnderstand Who You Are
All fundamental, progressive change begins with identity.
Change LeadershipTwo Create a Dynamic, yet One Shifts It
Patterns cannot come into existence without someone wanting them to.
Change ManagementLead, Don’t Follow
Agreeing to the hypnosis of social conditioning impedes the collective’s ability to have access to your leadership.
InnovationAsk Stellar Questions
Without worthy inquiry, a leader doesn’t lead.
InnovationBias Toward Imperfection
Be messy in service of progress.
Systems ChangeDon’t Be Afraid
You demonstrate your stability in your ability to be adaptive.
Change LeadershipBreak with Norms
Being out of pattern touches resilience.
Systems ThinkingStop Being Benevolently Agreeable
Be fiercely curious.
Systems ChangeBeing Adaptive Is Your Hallmark of Stability
Courage, letting go, shedding, releasing, grieving, being vulnerable are seed for your adaptability.
Strategic CommunicationBelieve in the Agency of All to Grow, Develop, and Evolve
See their beauty and step out of the way.
Organisational CultureConnect with Others
The interconnectedness of our being is who we are.
InnovationBuild Your Ambitions into Your Calendar
Schedule your goals, intentions, and outcomes.