Universally meaningful outcomes

Theeo Change Metrics

Strategy. Trustworthiness. Joy. These are top-line Theeo outcome measures.

With one another and in the work with clients, we can ask:

  1. Is strategy apparent, usable, and prioritised?

  2. Is trustworthiness evident and increasing?

  3. Do people feel joy in the work? with one another? about the build and in the change process?

Progressive change builds upon itself. Keeping an eye on the doing, being, and feeling in equal parts seeds good fodder in the change field.

Theeo Change Outcomes

Establishing context and project-specific outcomes as a part of designing any change process also comes into play. And, we know these three measures are great defaults; universal truths for evolving teams.

Metrics matter insofar as they are guideposts. They allow us to have a touchstone in the day-to-day and week-to-week to ground strategically. And, we iterate them as a part of working rhythmically, experientially, and fractally.

  • Outcome measures ground any group in the "why?" of well-designed work applied.

  • Little that is worthwhile comes without effort, intention, focus, and grit.

We like to believe, based on our years of evidence, our way of tangibly applying outcome-focused change also comes with joy and laughter sprinkled in.

You’ve got this. x
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