Women, Economics, and Global Change

Devaluing the girls is equally harmful for the boys

Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS

An appreciator of contrast and the beautiful spaces between, Kathryn leads at the fulcrum of system complexity and applied behavioral science design, for progressive results. She has been weaving systems change vision and initiatives into strategy, priorities, and operating from outcomes as a consulting advisor and organisation designer to leaders, founders, and teams for 25 years. From her wheelhouse, she taps into how you communicate, relate, operate, work, lead, and group think; infuses presence, power, and self-awareness onto broad, prioritised organisation strategy; and designs tangible change to elevate your system's potential and expand its human value.

more about Kathryn
, Planet Earth

Deconstructing and dismantling the laws, biases, abuses, social and control structures, and consciousness apathy — globally — that perpetuate erasure of 49.6% of the world's human population is a here and now evolutionary demand.

Unequivocally confronting the unconscious, habitual treatment, patriarchy-based structures, and evil acts against the very people who are vessels for life is the work of everyone. The current state is desperately far from generative. Wildly off the mark on discernment. And, positions from an ignorant stance on seeding any shot for a progressed future.

When I speak of far from generative and disassociated from seeding potential, I mean

  • no economies,

  • no economic stability,

  • no stable food systems,

  • no progression of life itself,

  • no advanced social structures,

  • no health and wellbeing, for all beings, everywhere.

The future that propagates life and a potential for higher operating exists only with laws and societal norms that change to value the girls, females, and the feminine so they occupy their rightful, sovereign freedoms alongside that of the boys, males, and the masculine. Everywhere.

While it feels heart wrenching to be the writer and reader of these words, here is opportunity space.

Interrupt your own complicity in erasing, devaluing, or blocking the freedom (thought, movement, education, choices, agency, trajectories, expansion, and evolution) of females, girls, and the feminine.

Everyone, who leads any team, in all organisations, and on each continent is equally welcomed to elevate the future through one of the most accessible levers you have.

  • Confront your biases.

  • Excavate your patriarchal blind spots. (If you are breathing you have them...)

  • Elevate your decisions and actions.

  • Recognise the power you hold within to do your own awareness work to influence from afterwards.

  • Overcome your unconscious denial.

  • Stop looking away.

  • Apply intentional, overt actions to your otherwise empty words.

  • Know that your own courageous and mindful decisions, locally, create ripple effects out by extension and natural law.

Most importantly, break your own habits of devaluing the female and the feminine within yourself e.g. being, surrendering, asserting, receiving, feeling, expressing, nurturing regardless of your gender or identity. Without accessing and working these within your self, you will only contribute to the collective vacancy via unconscious, negative projection.

I promise you are presented opportunity to show up and act alternatively in these spaces regularly.

Be braver.

Lifting the veils of illusion and delusion is a key function of leadership today. A key function of higher minded living today. A key function of being a contributing member of the global collective. You want to wake up to these facts and begin to lead without being afraid of your and these collective shadow(s).

Every moment presents you opportunity to use your power and influence in your nearest circles to change the future for everyone, for the better. You do this through your own growth and expansion work — and aligned, applied action across your systems.

Choose to not lack in conscious awareness on the data, as much as on the principles.

The economics are plainly clear.

Decide to be an active participant in catalysing a 100th monkey effect.

Right now.

Not tomorrow.

Certainly not in 300 years.

This is Elevating the Game.

You’ve got this. x
The Poor Economics of Denying Girls

by Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS
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