Adaptive Capabilities Needed

in a Modern, Progressive Build
Part 1 / 3

Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS

An appreciator of contrast and the beautiful spaces between, Kathryn leads at the fulcrum of system complexity and applied behavioral science design, for progressive results. She has been weaving systems change vision and initiatives into strategy, priorities, and operating from outcomes as a consulting advisor and organisation designer to leaders, founders, and teams for 25 years. From her wheelhouse, she taps into how you communicate, relate, operate, work, lead, and group think; infuses presence, power, and self-awareness onto broad, prioritised organisation strategy; and designs tangible change to elevate your system's potential and expand its human value.

more about Kathryn
, New York City

Capabilities necessary for building and sustaining cultural landscapes of innovation, tangible change, and emotional competence.

1. Analytical Thinking and Innovating

- Able to identify and define problems, ideas, and experiments

- Able to extract key information from data and develop workable experiments for the ideas and problems

- Able to work in an iterative test-analyse-draw conclusions feedback loop to battle test, understand, and validate ideas, innovations, problems, and curiosities 

- Comfortable and discerning with critique on ideas and findings

- Able to apply data-driven solutions to further creative ideas, resolve sticky problems, and innovate solutions

- Aspires to safe and productive failures

2. Complex Riddle Solving

- Able to understand how components of a system influence each other and other systems and therefore problems within them do not have a definitive formula nor set number of potential solutions

- Able to break things down into smaller parts and visualize linkages to ideate and propose new thinking

- Able to construct methods to invite stakeholders in light-touch processes of ideating, solving, iterating, and proposing

- Able to take in constructive critique continuously

- Able to apply data and insights to actively iterate ideas further

3. Critical Thinking and Analysis

- Able to raise vital questions, ideas, and problems

- Able to formulate questions, ideas, and problems clearly and precisely

- Able to gather and assess relevant information

- Able to use abstract ideas to interpret questions, ideas, and problems effectively

- Able to come to well-reasoned proposals, ideas, solutions, and conclusions

- Able to test proposals, ideas, solutions, and conclusion against relevant criteria and standards

4. Progressive Learning

- Able to think open mindedly within alternative systems of thought

- Able to recognize and assess as need be one’s assumptions, idea implications, and practical consequences

- Able to communicate effectively and collaboratively with others to drive toward solutions to complex problems

- Ability to pivot on a dime

5. Designing Learning Strategies

- Able to design from envisioned outcomes

- Able to think, design, cultivate from the user’s perspective and needs

- Able to design using alternative and varied methods and approaches

- Able to design from a blank page

- Able to extract and draw down a structure from a lot of data, insights, and information

6. Discernment

- Able to read a room

- Able to apply good judgment skills

- Able to suggest

- Able to read between the lines

- Able to hold back

- Able to listen to one's inner compass

- Able to map context / setting / questioning / contributing / disrupting / disturbing

7. Attention to Detail

- Able to line edit

- Able to quickly decipher information

- Able to hear in between words

- Able to anticipate

- Able to drive detail amidst ambiguity

- Able to proofread

8. Trustworthiness

- Dependable

- Reliable

- Supportive

- Flexible

- Able to hold information

- Able to not misuse information

- Able to hold another’s story

- Speaks one’s truth elegantly

9. Emotionality

- Actively aware of + accountable on self, limitations, style, strengths

- Able to regulate emotions positively

- Has and can use empathy wisely

- Motivated to grow + evolve

- Grows + evolves in the presence of | interactively with others

- Evident social + group skills

- Able to speak clearly, with personal authority, and from self

- Can rise above negativity without internalising it

10. Creativity, Originality, and Initiative

- Brings original thinking

- Proposes the less obvious ideas

- Takes initiative to move work forward, participate, and offer help

- Braves imagination and freshness

- Surfaces the unspoken

- “Wonders” aloud nicely

These are the first 10 of ~30 to give you an idea of where to begin.

You’ve got this. x

by Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS
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