Welcome, Discomfort
Growth Requires You
To experience more joy, success, perceived safety, peace — or whatever you want to draw more of into your own life, your team, your company, and the world around you — you need to commit to discomfort.
– What do you need to stop doing?
– What do you acknowledge is getting in your way?
– Where do you set up your own traps and loops?
– Where are you giving away your power and not choosing your response with discernment?
– How might you reach for a more aware next action, a non-habitual behavior?
Growth and evolution require discomfort. You definitely want to embrace, rather than deflect, this reality.
Remind yourself that the butterfly takes a long and arduous journey inclusive of darkness, preparation, aloneness, resistance, physical metamorphosis, and emergence to become. When she finally shows up all beautiful and floaty like that... she's been through the ringer.
Courage Required
Find out what courage you need to call up inside of yourself to participate in your own growth. You need access to your courage regularly. It is from that availability that you project your better, higher self onto the structures, ways, roles, and means outside of yourself.
- Ideas and understanding concepts are not you doing the work of growth.
- Intellectualising is not you being evolved.
- Merely protesting or saying words does not equal you radiating at a higher frequency so as to alter the arc of change.
- Tasking maniacally and keeping yourself perpetually busy is not evolutionary.
- Feeling [upset, mortified, sad, or angry] is insufficient action.
- Staying in your feelings without then transmuting them into sufficient, productive, and purposeful action only becomes destructive.
- Feel your feelings (all day long), and then get about getting out of them in the direction of clean, elevated action.
These are all attachments, avoidance tactics, and the ego structure merely doing her handiwork. The kind of discomfort growth, change, and evolution require is not a comfortable space to occupy. This space is ferociously demanding and asks for you to engage heart mind muscles that feel risky as hell, and can sting when flexed.
But, only in exercising them do you build them up.
Only in building them up can you learn what it means to maintain them.
Only in learning to build, integrate, and maintain do you have the shot at becoming the butterfly.
Feel Fed Up
Your first step is to feel fed up with being, living as, and doing like the caterpillar. The next is to prepare for and commit to your resilience which will ride side car to your discomfort when you begin to allow. Third, know and trust that flicker deep within your psyche and soul whispering to you that the destination is the journey, the higher vibrating, more colorful and beautiful you — the actual vision and mission.
The true butterfly effect.
Choose Elevation
A collective e.g. any system and sub-system by natural law operates at the mean frequency of its members. Transformation is equal parts individual and collective, done in increments and iterations, all the while holding the ambitious visions.
Tangible, not theoretical.
Conscious, not passive.
Willing, not resistant.
Discomfort, not denial.
Do the discomfortable work of elevating so we have more butterflies leading the future.