Strategy v. Suggestibility

The World Is All About the Exploitation of Your Suggestibility

Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS

An appreciator of contrast and the exquisite beauty found in the spaces between, Kathryn operates at the dynamic intersection of system complexity and applied behavioral science design, relentlessly driving outcome-based results. With over 25 years of transformative experience, she has been a catalyst for change, seamlessly weaving visionary systems initiatives into strategic priorities. As a trusted advisor and partner, she empowers leaders, founders, and teams to build robust businesses and effect profound change. Drawing from her extensive expertise, Kathryn immerses herself in the intricacies of leadership, communication, operational system designing, horizontal functioning, connective tissue knitting, and collective intelligence. She infuses presence, power, and profound self-awareness into comprehensive organisational strategies, implementing actionable changes that elevate your system’s potential and amplify its human value. Kathryn’s approach transcends mere complexity management; it’s about mastering it to forge meaningful impact. She empowers organizations to navigate challenges with unwavering clarity and purpose, ensuring that every initiative resonates deeply with the core mission and aspirations of the people involved. Her work isn’t merely about strategy; it’s about transforming visions into reality, creating a legacy of innovation, status quo disruption, and evolutionary growth.

more about Kathryn
, Melides, Portugal

What do you choose? Do you choose to cultivate your own way or do you choose to be influenced by the perpetually suggestible world that surrounds you?

You own this decision.

You have infinite choices to make all day long.

(Lest you forget that freedom.)

Make conscious choices for yourselves.

Stop being made.

Considered Action Applied

An applied way to not get lazy, hazy, and calcified (e.g. suggestible) around Strategy is to ensure that your Vision meets your mindsets as a daily practice.

  • You build into Vision. It is a tangible asset.

  • You then craft and work your Strategy. Like kneading dough.

  • You rhythm dialog. Because you all are not always talking straight with one another.

  • You share exposedly. Meaning, you speak your truths (not your personalness) with good skill so they regularly inform the Vision build.

  • You refresh and refine in highly disciplined ways. To cut through the laziness.

  • You embody your Power. To lead rightfully.

  • You measure daily. Across value add bases.

Strategy is considered action of your Vision applied.

You all must get out of your heads though. Meet and surmount your unconscious fears. Flow is on the other side. She comes from your hearts — and your courage to meet yourselves.

I understand if your reptilian brain says "this seems out of context for work." And I say back to the reptile, "everything having to do with Vision, Strategy, and Forward-Facing Systems Building is this."

Drop it down. Get below your necks.

The time has come to fear less about accessing the brain in the middle of your chests and tummies. The much larger brains.

Exploiting Your Suggestibility

"The world is all about the exploitation of your suggestibility."

This is a Vedic teaching. Feel into its tone and tenor. Allow the idea to work its way into your cells. It takes time to unpack and truly get the meaning. That is ok.

The world is all about the exploitation of your suggestibility.

When your suggestibility is exploitable, the world (people, perceived competition, other roles in the org chart, structures founded upon co-dependence defaults, doctrine, technology, rules, culture, norms, ways, etc.) will dictate to you how, who, what, and why to be, think, say, and feel the way you do — because you will allow them to.

A far better formation is to craft and live your own Vision.

Own it. Commit. Externalise it.

Do the hard, yet divinely intended work of creating and acting on your own dough kneading.

Whatever role(s) you play, wherever you play them — sector, industry and team size agnostic — play them with less Suggestibility, more Strategy.

Less copycatting.

More trust in your own original thinking.

Less reptilian drive to compete.

More reliance on your own capacity to lead.

Less fear.

More embodying.

  • Individually.

  • Collectively.

  • Systemically.

Vision takes muscle.




Leading on the edge.

Extending oneself.

Putting it out there in your own way.

Doing the deeply challenging and invigorating work of building.

Vision is personal — a fractal of the collective.

  • Suggestibility is mindlessness.
  • Suggestibility defaults you to fear, reactivity, and aggression.
  • Suggestibility controls you.
  • Suggestibility is dirty.
  • Suggestibility is inevitably cautionary.

Meet Your Mindsets

You know you are working Strategy and Vision rather than operating in Suggestibility because you wake up everyday and meet your own mindsets. The ones inside your own hearts gathered around your own Vision, generating and percolating ideas strategically in service of your Build.

  • What you stop doing is waking up to look around to see who to follow, copy, or mimic.

  • You remind yourselves you aren't a machine, here to mindlessly churn.

  • You steer and take action, knitted to a well understood beacon.

When your Vision and Strategy is a reflection of your own rigor and discipline, flowing because you are working practices that force a meeting of your own mindsets daily, you have no need to grab and grip; pose and posture; dig and fill.

When you get lazy (operationally and energetically), you get suggestible.

When you choose consciously, you lead.

One crafts exploitability.

The other builds invincibility.

Lead, don't follow.

You’ve got this. x

by Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS
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