Understand Its Purpose
Contraction eventually leads to expansion. We know change works this way. Perhaps counter-intuitively, but nonetheless. At the end of the day, we have to live into and feel the contraction — as uncomfortable as contraction can feel.
You might wonder —
How bad does it have to get?
How dense is my thinking?
How retracted is my being?
How repetitive my actions and reactions?
Might I be able to bypass and navigate around this discomfort?
How tested am I willing to be?
How dark, and for how long?
What is the wait time before I give in?
Where am I and what am I fighting against?
How long before I submit, and thus find the release to open?
When might I cease creating my own suffering?
When might I be willing to stand in the truth?
Fear works this same way. She accumulates all the attachments until you become so burdened, smothered, and immobilised by the storyline and shoulds. An invisible shackling by the structures we wind around ourselves, and allow to be wound around us. These accumulations act as living anesthesia: fear, contraction, and their accoutrements numbing out the vast expanse of possibility.
The mind hardly notices.
It is just doing what it does best, reinforcing itself from within the contraction. Whether negative or positive, the mind always promises you the fear is real, and you ought to keep doing what you are doing to stave it off. Yell at it. Weave sharp-witted words to deflect it. Avoid. Double down. Flick away those pesky, annoying interrupters to your regularly scheduled amnesia. They may dangerously result in a new way of knowing or, god forbid, an expansion of consciousness.
Realistically, we still do need polarity. We do need the contraction. We do need contrast. We do need the lessons. We do need the positive and negative.
Why? Magnetism.
The metaphorical, literal, and archetypal zero point is where we mine the jewels. In the tension of contraction we have opportunity to stare into the abyss. There we find truth, ourselves, and the flint to ignite the new spark. For light to then arise. Expansion to catapult.
Embracing contraction, duality, and working with polarity without fighting or running from it brings us into acceptance. Acceptance returns us our power. Our power walks us out of immobilisation and amnesia, delivering us into the/our light.
This time of the Solstice is a celebration of that light. The utter, quintessential uniqueness of each individual within the vast, mysterious whole. Light within light within light within light, leading a perpetual partnership and dance with darkness.