Reflecting Strategically

To Pivot Your Inertia

Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS

An appreciator of contrast and the beautiful spaces between, Kathryn leads at the fulcrum of system complexity and applied behavioral science design, for progressive results. She has been weaving systems change vision and initiatives into strategy, priorities, and operating from outcomes as a consulting advisor and organisation designer to leaders, founders, and teams for 25 years. From her wheelhouse, she taps into how you communicate, relate, operate, work, lead, and group think; infuses presence, power, and self-awareness onto broad, prioritised organisation strategy; and designs tangible change to elevate your system's potential and expand its human value.

more about Kathryn
, Lisbon

Live the questions if you want to be meticulously and effectively strategic.

Without stopping to interrupt assumptions, disrupt apathy, unearth habits, notice defaults, stop the looping, interrogate where are we at? and question mindless tasking, Teams get quickly into trouble.

  • Don't expect someone else to do the Strategy, Prioritisation, and Outcome-focused deliverable dashboarding work for you.

  • You be, do, think, feel, and deliver Strategy if you are a member of any Team. A universal job description today.

  • You bake in responsive and reflective operating as a lever you have to pull all the time.

  • You call an audible when you see and sense the need to step off the grind — and discuss — to begin anew.

  • You don't sit back and cast blame on an imaginary figure who is to magically deliver Strategy to you.

Build it in.

You do Strategy as the base commitment of teaming. Strategy is an accountability, daily.

Teams take better ownership of Strategy by creating forcing functions.

  • Challenge yourselves to identify and work through in real time what needs to shift.

  • Simply dial up a conversation right now, this week to make smart directional changes.

Nobody got anything wrong. Or, everyone got it wrong.

Fix the system design.

Appreciate that far tighter frames of time are necessary to work strategy (daily, weekly, monthly).

  • Convening to group-illuminate adds value.

  • Building alternative mechanics to work the work and produce the outcomes amidst the non-stop flows in the Field elevates potentials.

Feel more invincible to change your own (complaining, non-verbal, avoidant, offended, defensive, judgmental, holier-than-thou) behavior.

  • Name your questions out loud

  • Communicate your thinking

  • Participate in productive course-correcting

  • Do it as a collective on the regular

  • Ground being different operationally.

These can be your rudders to stay out front of your own personal and shared unconscious defaults. Actively apply them to strategically and purposefully design into your big picture. Feel energised by rather than fearful of living the questions.

Questions open your higher minds. The Field meets you in them, enabling expansion and elevation, stategically.

Reflective Question
Counter Reflective Question
Where do we need to be more opportunistic?
Where do we need to be more steadfast?
When is urgent eclipsing important?
When is important eclipsing urgent?
What are we less confident about?
What are we more confident about?
What refreshed outcomes are we naming? For when?
What older outcomes are we letting go of? By when?
When is feedback moving too slowly?
When is feedback moving too quickly?
Where do we need to be more stubborn?
Where do we need to be less stubborn?
When did we act too quickly?
When did we act too slowly?
When are we over indexing on a specific detail?
When are we glossing over a specific detail?
When have we narrowed our focus too much?
When have we narrowed our focus too little?
What changed?
What has remained the same?
When did we get distracted, and regretted it? By what?
When did we stay focused, and regretted it? On what?
What matters less now that mattered more then?
What matters more now, that mattered less then?
Where can we benefit from hearing different perspectives?
Where do we get bogged down in navigating so many different perspectives?
When were we on autopilot, and it helped?
When did we have trouble "snapping out" of our routine(s)?
What do we need to learn on the fly?
What must we unlearn on the fly?
You’ve got this. x

No idea where this set of questions came from originally, but they are good ones. I switched a few things around but thank you to whomever packaged them!

by Kathryn Maloney M.A. ABS
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