Change Done Tangibly

Can You Feel the Evolutionary Pull?

A Few Reasons Why You Feel the Pull for Change

Modern Organisations

Modern Organisations understand viscerally that their service and product builds, delivery outcomes, and people culture are strategically inseparable. 

Modern Leaders

Modern Leaders – integrated, open, visionary, fearless – grasp that progressive cultures require conscious work on the daily, in service of being an evolutionary organisation.

The Modern Future

The Modern Future arrived recently, and she is quite busy demanding a substantive, strategic, and innovative paradigm shift away from the old and outdated.

Modern Change

Evolutionary change demands

  • heart

  • technical precision

  • wisdom &

  • discernment

designed into a coherent, tangible operating model and applied by dynamic, awake teams.

The Energy Centers, Strategically

seven theeo circles illustrating the energy centers of an organisational system
that we tap to ground change.

Changing your organisation's design, operating model, leadership ethos, communication flow, brand alignment, power dynamics, culture and strategy needs an energetic commitment. Those energy centers reside in a whole host of ways within our seven lenses. Grounded in them, you pursue the work of effecting your change, tangibly.

The Dimensional Destinations, Behaviorally

puzzle pieces with topics inside
that are also the journey.

Modern isn't simply a destination. Modern is a continuous change operating spiral rooted in the clear aspirations and lived experience of who you choose to be, individually and collectively, to lead, run the work, deliver, and maintain connectivity. Your vision and strategy are both inputs and outputs. The pursuit of strategic, envisioned outcomes must find ways to embed tangibly, fractally, systemically, and energetically within and across the system.

The Change Path, Measurably

seven theeo lenses depicting organisational energy centers grayed out with only technicolor center illustrating strategy, joy, and safety
as a strategic design.

The pursuit of tangible and strategic change, designing modern systems, operating effectively — not haphazardly — and growing with more joy, clarity, and trustworthiness are all outcomes to be measured. We use them as well to steer our system design thinking, change installation and facilitation, and structural implementation. They act as anchors for iteration on incremental, continuous, progressive, experienced real time organisational evolution.

The Field, Pragmatically

for elevating the game.

Why Change? So that you and the people within your organization can suffer less. The decision to design and run your organization, function, team, and yourself within a model of progressive change and ongoing transformation is a conscious choice and undertaking of change. It is a leadership lever to look rather than look away at how your organization is and is not coherently working. Through becoming awake to, poised to listen in, reflexive in allowing the moments, relationships, interactions, decisions, and intent to reflect back (e.g. the coherence), you and your organization write an alternative narrative, build strategy and prioritisation anew, learn to operate where action informs next action, and begin to design continuously for far better synergy.

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