Be Observant of Your Thoughts and Attendant to Your Heart
Theeo Principle
Meta awareness is the capacity to know what your mind is monkeying about.
Theeo Principle №511
Be Observant of Your Thoughts and Attendant to Your Heart
You are not your thoughts. Your ego is your thoughts. Your thoughts are the story your ego mind tells you. And, your ego mind is inherently a trickster. He resists, protects, defends, blames, reacts, and denies as a way of operating. Getting outside of and above your thinking mind to observe its behavior is the work you do to not be consumed or shackled by the narrative, story, and habitual loop your ego and limited thinking will otherwise reflect back to you.
Meta awareness is seeing your wiring, noticing your triggers, understanding your barriers, honoring your pain, minding your expansion, and attending to the self-created toxins that misinform your heart. Your monkey mind is a very busy character. It wants you to believe its drama and will have you in its grip until you learn how to interrupt and shine a light on its feed.
Your conscious awareness always emanates from your heart. This looks like joy, regeneration, reason, connection, wisdom, adaptivity, resilience, receptivity, and healing — for yourself and others. Operate from these spaces while keeping a watchful, detached, and observant side eye on the monkeys of your ego mind.
Meta awareness is the capacity to know what your mind is monkeying about.One More Theeo Principle