Build Your Ambitions into Your Calendar

Theeo Principle

Schedule your goals, intentions, and outcomes.

Theeo Principle №96

Build Your Ambitions into Your Calendar

Creativity and imagination (e.g. strategy) and structure and logic (e.g. grounding) are not mutually exclusive. They are interdependent. Each without the other is an organisation, plan, operating model, or life without heart and application. Build rigor into your ambitions and visions by working on them with application — daily, weekly, monthly.

Life and work build upon themselves. We get anywhere by being on the journey with intention. One minute at a time. Each week at a time.

Intention though, not gripping, attachment, maniacal determination that cuts off your air supply and peripheral vision because it is coming from lack and fixation. Create a rhythm by which you build upon your intentions. Be in the doing of them daily.

  • Set your mental focus upon the outcome you envision so you are moving in its direction with regularity.
  • Build in movement to activate your multiple brains throughout your body mind.
  • Start your day in unfettered space to receive incoming data related to your ambitions and allow those messages to steer what you do as actions toward them.
  • Revisit the goals monthly, trimesterly, annually to ensure your guideposts are set to hold you lightly as you progress ahead in your doing.
  • Toggle between your imagination and your reasoned application as a conscious dance.
Schedule your goals, intentions, and outcomes.

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