From the Notebooks Series

Insights on Theeo’s Practice History

From the classroom, in the studio, on the cushion, while reading, listening, watching, and noticing across art, philosophy, business, academia, spirituality, and life. Strategy is.

This page is from a 2015 sketch book. The cool thing about change is it is never ending and always the same.

Mental Models

  • Strategy is to put focused, concentrated, mindful, continual effort in the right places.

  • All things are data, all moments are opportunities to suspend certainty and listen to what the moment is saying.

  • When we engage change from our right and back brains, we don't perceive it as a threat and fire up our adrenals. Instead we paint a landscape, listen to its lyrics, and allow it to show us what can become.

  • "The teachings are not intellectual. They are experiential." (Tenzin Rimpoche)

Notebooks Series ©2015

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