Theeo Consulting

Capabilities  .

What Change Do You Need Applied — to Thrive?

Theeo Consulting shapes progressive organisation change, roots complex systems designing, and anchors teams and leaders in the actioning of their purpose and intent.

What change do you need applied — to thrive?

Vision & Org Strategy Cadencing

Elevate Possibility Thinking.
Enable Clear Direction.
Expand Outcome Delivery.

Do you feel like you have told everyone the vision and strategy 100 times, and yet still “nobody understands the strategy?” You aren't alone. Refreshing your vision, building out a strategy framework, and deploying a system of workflow prioritisation that coheres to your strategy is actually a build, rather than an announcement or a meeting. These are fundamental structure changes necessary to align and ignite rhythmic steering organisationally — in the direction of financial, culture, people, and operating outcomes.

Vision + Transformation Strategy Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our vision and strategy does not live (and sing) in the day-to-day.
  • Our origin story has a 100-lb gorilla standing on her chest.
  • Our growth and evolution as an organisation feels like it is stagnating.
  • The granular of our day-to-day eclipses connection to our broad, big picture.
  • Changes we make feel topical and performative rather than systemic and meaningful.
  • Our vision does not have a strategy and prioritisation operating system to sustain it.

Insights, Innovation & Accelerating

Understand System Inhibitors.
Build the Engine.
Trip the Flywheel.

You know that nothing is merely “a marketing problem”, “a growth problem”, “a communications issue”. Systems are dimensional rather than linear. People are complex, not simple. The unknown discoverable, not assumed. Problem framing using an anthropologic approach, to then set upon field testing, discovering en route, and refining in flight is innovation as direct experience, living change, and responsive designing. Inquiry is the key instrument. Making an effort to encounter new challenges is the principle conductor for iteration and qualitative. Choosing to lead with awareness and engagement, question any status quo and to grapple is the method, practice, as well as an ideal underpinning of management and leadership. Assuredness on the other hand is the anti-principle of Innovation, the drag on invincibility, the block of any Red Team.

Insights, Innovation + Acceleration Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our insights practice is weak.
  • We know we need to disrupt entrenched thinking, but we don’t know how.
  • Our team doesn’t fully grasp iteration and experimentation.
  • Our system of testing ideas and feeding back learnings is broken.
  • Designing change as a way of working, operating, and using insights for growth is lost on us.
  • How AI can speed up data findings, and partner with us in our innovation is not yet wired.
  • Big “A” agile and small “a” agile are not cohered.

Advanced Communicating & Technology Wiring

Open Channels.
Allow the Swell.

Identify broken communication linkages. Build nodes and networks. Open and establish flow. Raise the floor so that generative is your norm, and you get the best thinking, learning, and honesty out of your team.

Communication + Technology Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • We aren’t interacting with technology as an actual culture and strategy partner.
  • Our communications are overly transactional.
  • Information is regularly stuck and/or unnecessarily blocked.
  • We don't know how to conceive and build a dimensional system of information flow.
  • We manage information and knowledge to our detriment.
  • Showing up, being present, and what is safe to try gets might confounded in a kaleidoscope of definitions.

Operating Model Designing

Stop the Insanity.

Structures are prolific in any system. You have communication structures, teaming structures, organisation structures, meeting structures, leadership structures, time structures, tech structures. Perhaps even innovation structures. You may consider structures fixed, sturdy, architectural, organising, and rigorous. They ought to be, however you want them to also be fluid, dynamic, agile, responsive, and receptive. Immovable, dense, and entrenched holds a team, vision, policy, and strategy from an ongoing process of realising themselves, growing, and becoming. Fixed and immovable without softened edges and adaptable guardrails was for a different time. The future benefits from modularity and system understanding of fractal structuring.

Organisation Designing + Operating Model Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our org structures cut off the air supply to authenticity, relating, and shared outcomes.
  • Our operating model contradicts and creates headwinds for our vision and purpose.
  • We've tried working in “new ways” but it feels like a layover rather than systemic and generative change.
  • We do not work horizontally.
  • We confound moving fast with moving wisely.
  • Our organisation design cuts off the air supply to our culture aspirations and brand story.
  • We operate too in the weeds.
  • We have no rhythmic design for our workflow so our priorities and outcome delivery is scattered; emergent in less additive ways.

Cohered Leadership & Teaming

Imagine Coherence.
Wire Your Grid.
Land Trustworthiness.

Identifying the ethos by which you choose to lead. Wiring a horizontal leadership graph. Building new leadership structures and decisioning to hold you accountable to a conscious, not default or unconscious, leadership idea and standard. No systems will ever be flat or built without a need for leadership. These are unwise ideas. All systems, however, rely on the fullness of its people to engage with elegance, progressive modeling, and a system of distributed leadership to realise vision, growth strategy, and outcome delivery. Understanding and applying opportunities within the canon of progressive leadership can get you out of management, leadership, and org chart looping.

Leadership + Cohered Teaming Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • I’ve used up all the tricks I have in my leadership tool bag and don’t know what to do next.
  • I’m too close to the system and within its biases to create valuable, dimensional change.
  • We don’t operate from our authentic selves as a leader collective.
  • We don’t have an inspired, distributed system of leaders with clearly articulated role accountabilities. mapping to real-time priorities and outcome metrics.
  • I lead by enabling, saving, and rescuing.
  • I lead by delegation, cut off, and monkey-in-the-middling.
  • Legacy management structuring or ethos drum up generational divide fault lines and negative culture loops.
  • The Science of Management has consciously or unconsciously become our achilles heel.

People Cultures Building


Culture relies on people in systems. Culture is not a banner nor a mandate. It is not a propaganda play. People rely on each other in systems. Without understanding how to create a system of healthy reliance, open communication, shared outcome mindsets, and evidence-based delivery, culture often loses its way. A people story may become fraught. Building at the outset or correcting when off course, people and culture are strategically integral to revenue, vision, and growth.

People & Culture Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Perfectionism reigns supreme.
  • We functionally operate without genuinely connecting while doing it.
  • We don't have a strong operating practice of speaking honestly and frankly.
  • A false sense of superiority dominates.
  • Our structures and structuring create a lack of cultural safety.
  • Our self-imposed limitations are blocking our growth.
  • Limiting beliefs run as a default operating frequency.
  • Our operating structures don’t make us daring enough to confront ourselves, our challenges, and our bullshit.
  • We tend not to begin from our shared humanity.
  • Performance, deflection, and phoniness rooted in and then took over.

Workflow Designing & Outcome Prioritising

Design Functionality.
Build Coordinates.
Identify Priorities.
Knit System Nodes.

The heart of any team and organisation is the connection points by which they communicate, relate, grapple, disclose, confront, and move the needle in the direction of envisioned, prioritised outcomes. Where are the greatest spaces and places to do all of the above? Good meetings. Where are the spaces and places you risk creating the most waste and least purposeful interacting? Poor meetings. Where is the most unconscious money spent in any organisation? Wasteful meetings. Stop suffering. Start designing an alternate, more joyful reality that serves the vision, team and the overall system.

Workflow Prioritisation, Rhythms & Meetings Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our meeting game is wasteful and painful.
  • We don’t have a meeting design practice.
  • The purpose of our meetings are not clear.
  • We run our meetings like it is still 1989.
  • Nobody speaks up in meetings.
  • Meetings are not where we do team and priority work.
  • Our meetings feel decorative rather than outcome-focused.
  • Our org vision and team strategy and workflow priorities are not evident in our meeting practices.

Story, Messaging & Art Directing

Align Your Stories.
Tell The Truth.

Brand and its story is an exciting proposition and an amazing visibility instrument. A brand's allure can easily arise organisation vision, strategy, and outcome implications. Your external storyline and internal culture narrative want to integrate as a cohesive whole. Your talent strategy is a part of your brand strategy. Your operating model and system by which work works are brand assets. Your identity is unified, not simply what is seen and sold. The curtain ought to be permeable and an intended revenue asset.

Story, Talent & Brand Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our external brand story does not match our internal culture experience.
  • Our remote | in-office tunnels have not been dug coherently for organisation alignment and talent strategy.
  • Our rigor as a brand leader is not as well understood as an operating culture demand.
  • Our recruiting is strong, our retention comparatively weak.
  • Our culture message and narrative discipline is unexercised in our day-to-day workflow practices.
  • Our understanding of wiring brand, culture, and operating model alongside talent strategy is low.

Technical Information Design Crafting

Cut Through.

The noise is at an all time high. The amount of words are voluminous. The creation of messaging is unclear. The palatability needs pointedness. And, the tone doesn't exactly land. Everyone is moving with mach speed to be heard, remain relevant, and carve out their audience. Politics, business, media, policy, and messaging are having an evident and explosive dovetail moment. Whether this is good, bad, advantageous or destructive are in the eyes of the beholder and for the future to determine. In the meantime, be artful, strategic, and rigorous with what you mean to say and how to be seen.

Information Design, Simplicity + Message Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • Our message gets lost in our speed to publish.
  • Our speed to publish isn't supported by a well designed, adaptive, and rigorous messaging design strategy.
  • Our crafting of language doesn't root back to a well-designed and intentional languaging strategy.
  • Our tone of voice sways with the of-the-moment wind ranging between hysterical, dictatorial, or pure play fear mongering.
  • The way we hang information for readability, usability, and comprehension speed is deeply ineffective.

Change Academies

Unpack Residue.
Sharpen Skills.
Become Better.

Leaders and organisations everywhere are confronting outdated models, roles, and methods. It is real and doesn’t always feel terribly easy. We are all leading these days in a constant state of evolutionary tension alongside rapidly emerging technologies, continually broadening expectations, constant financial demands, and seismic global challenges. Sometimes, finding spaces to pause, learn, commune, and grow outside of the fray and frenzy is helpful for the collective's heart and mind.

Change Practitioner Pain Points You May Be Feeling:
  • The world and its constant change is kicking my leader a*&.
  • Using my voice continues to be fraught with fluctuations in self-worth and self-value.
  • I don’t feel fortified enough in my self-awareness, blindspots, and future focus.
  • Shifting from the long-standing paradigm of performance, opinion, and delegation to inquiry, allowing, and openness feels like a vertical climb.
  • Working with the energy rather than the ego eludes me too often.
  • Integrating my senses of being, doing, feeling, and sensing is hard, yet conscious work in progress for me.

Skill & Practice

  • The truths about skillfully leading change projects at any scale are the practitioners' aptitude in facilitating people collectives, process rigor, and politics to then package grounded, iterative outcomes in a field of multiplicities.

  • Elegantly working that dimensionality is the difference between the ones who can hold the complexity and land change applied — and the ones delivering slide decks, trainings, and workshops.

We've got you if you see the former as the way to lead, invest, and tangibly build forward looking teams, systems, and organisations.

We’ve got you .
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