Views & Levers

Theeo Change Lenses

Systems are complex. This is true. It is not enough to simply proclaim it. You need to distill and work dimensionally within complexity.

Macro System Levers into Complex Change

Theeo lenses enable a grounded way to peer into and grab hold of the amorphous field of complexity in any business and team. They tell us all the right stories on where opportunity — for tangibly changing behaviors and mindsets, innovating structures and delivery, and strategically aligning vision, purpose, outcomes, and teams — lies dormant.


Building Muscle in Constancy.

Are the vision and strategy clear to all? Is it fractal? Do teams cadence to outcome-focused workflows that structure delivery? Is communication against the whole wired, flowing, and smart?

  • Cohering direction by installing synch is revolutionary for teams.

  • Vision is about strategically setting and resetting new beginnings as an operating model to constantly refresh the system. Think fluid, never fixed. Rigorous, not rickety.

  • Vision and strategy structures are disciplines in need of critically open thinkers, conscious and applied effort, and fearless hearts willing to operate against the status quo.

The Leadership Lens

Breaking Free from Managed Dependencies

Designing leadership to work gracefully with the flows of change and for progressing the whole is an awakening, evolutionary exercise.

  • Becoming a system of distributed leadership — leaders among leaders where each is doing their part, embracing agency and self-governance within and from roles, applying stealth intuition, and steering with discernment is pure play disruption to the deeply embedded governing structures and imbalanced consciousness in most systems.

  • Leadership is seeing and raising your level of play on the Field, operating from your higher octave because you cease operating from fear, catastrophe, and control mindsets.

  • Building a cabal of magicians to lead a living vision, apply responsive strategy, and deliver outcome-thought priorities across and throughout a system is Theeo's way of leading you in the changing of leadership ways, philosophy, and historic application.

The Communication Lens

Committing Multi-Layered Flows

Opening pathways and channels for progressive communication, wiring information to flow easefully, and speaking with intent casts asks in alignment with or counter to your system's vision and strategy.

  • The frequency of magnetism (e.g. strategy) is about clear asks and taking direct action. This elevation usually requires wholistic disruption.

  • Progressive voicing, rich and purpose-based dialog, and intentional doing find energy in the bands of communication flows and living design.

  • Far from linear and simple transacting, communication in its vast forms and applications within organisation systems is the circle work of system health and the mechanics of potentiality.

  • Flowing communication in all its dimensionality is system functionality fundamental.

The Power Lens

Re-Imagining Controls

Designing systems to tap and revere interconnectivity; draw upon authentic, honest expression; and scaffold cohered agency breathes into them the freedom inherently necessary to create, innovate, and regenerate as an operating model. 

  • Envisioning a system of individuals working with their own truth, freedom, and agency constrained by shared, rhythmic vision and strategy, and realising emergent outcomes is applied power.

  • All organisations dimensionally benefit culturally, financially, and strategically when they organise the operating modes to celebrate, honor, and appreciate what results exponentially when hearts, minds, and collectivism creates fluidly.

  • Power is not control. Control is not power. The evolutionary mindset is authenticity, agency, integrity, and applied personal awareness amidst system design principles of clarity, flow, responsiveness, and regeneration.

The Structures Lens

Fully Departing from Mechanistic Building

Building utility across system operating dimensions and working with Field forces to raise and maintain a higher frequency baseline is applied, ongoing work. 

  • You build optimised constancy by co-designing in natural systems frameworks.

  • You collectively become fierce strategists.

  • Tooling, rhythmising, relating, debating, decisioning, distributing, and leading in progressed ways breaks you out of the operating structure confines sustaining system homeostasis, or worse, energising the force fields pushing the system backwards and downwards.

  • Structures are naturally occurring vertically and horizontally in systems, with vastly more dimensionality than the simplistic thinking of a chart. They are meant to be created, maintained and regenerated as an intrinsic operating model.

The Culture Lens

Designing for a Resulting Experience

Accepting that a mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy culture and joyful people are forerunners to directionally purposeful, strategic growth and expansive, critical thinking is evolved.

  • Culture is the ephemeral vibe resulting from clear intent, acted out, and realised within and via all other lenses.

  • Each node, point, person, team, and build aligns to shared, service-to-whole norms with sovereign accountability and responsibility for their part.

The Brand Lens

External Aligned with Internal

Aligning an internal and external story, honest messaging, and clear tone of voice is catalysing. 

  • Vision and strategy tightly orchestrated, animated dimensionally and operationally and deployed consciously come to inform and express your brand as one part of a whole, integrated, living system design.

  • Brand is language, story, and truth-telling — fueling vision, culture, growth, expression, and expansion.

  • Brand lives and breathes in the fullness of every aspect of a system's parts to also hold one part of the whole.

  • Holding complexity to land meaningful change applied is a disciplined and generative practice.

  • Inside each lens are the heart centers of any organisation system.

  • These hold a system's energy, potentials, levers, rigid and flow-based ways, and Field forces and counterforces.

  • We find the nooks and crannies where the given and new hide in plain sight to transform.

  • Within the architectures, mindsets, structures, and flows, the work of change and changing can be productively pursued.

  • The truths about skillfully leading change projects — at any scale — are the practitioners' aptitude to facilitate people collectives, install process rigor, balance personalities and politics, and shape grounded, iterative, and strategic outcomes in a highly dimensional field, synchronously.
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